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I have always had an issue around single use plastic bags and their contribution to being killers to our streets, parks, beaches, bushland and waterways. When Coles introduced their 15 cent Coles bags composed of 80% recycled material and they are designed to be reused I was always skeptical around the amount of people that are still going to keep buying these bags instead of bringing their own. 


When looking into materials to use for this Play type I had two of these bags in my cupboard from when I had forgotten to bring my reusable bags when shopping. I never use them so thought why don't I use it as a material to explore. I wanted to create something three dimensional and playful that would go alongside my recycled embellished pieces. 

Last semester I had tried out Latch hooking with wool and thought to myself why don't I give it ago with recyclable bags. 


How to Latch Hook Diagram


My Process

MATERIALS:  Latch Hook Canvas, Latch hook, Coles Reusable bag.

TECHNIQUES - Basic Latch hook.

IMG_0686 copy.jpg

Overall this play type was very successful however I will not be pursuing this technique in the final artefact. It looks a bit out of place from the other play types however the three dimensional effect created from the use of the latch hook gives a playful and fun element that I really enjoy. 

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