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Read the below article 'Making Material Knowledge' and reflect in you journal using the question below.

Making Material Knowledge Process led Textile Research as an Active Source for Design Innovation.pdf

Does working without an end product or defined user scare or excite you? Why, explain?

When asked with this question, when there is not an end product in site I think about it in two ways. When I plan the end product from start I tend to rush the exploration process of designing and instead focus on producing the end product. Obviously, these circumstances change when you are given a distinct trend driven brief and asked to design for a particular end product. I am quite scared with this project but also very excited at the same time. I am use to working strictly to a plan through research, development of motifs, croquis development and a final product focusing on print specific products. I did however when exploring weaving and knitting in first year work quite freely through exploration of materials and trialling different techniques. Although scared I am excited to get out of my comfort zone and explore a range of different materials, techniques and trials without a sight of a defined user or end product as I believe it will make me think and explore different creatively. The aspect I believe that will push me the most is the notion that its okay if something doesn’t look pretty and instead single out bits of the ugly pieces to explore things I am happy with.

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