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1 x highlight outcome; this can be in the form of a textile length, large swatch, a series, object/form or artefact represented in  3 - 5 x Hero Images (JPEGS or added to your online slide show). Images should include one image of the whole piece and at least one close up detail.

With a focus on Design for Cyclability for my final Artefact I chose to use a range of materials and combined play types to create a large final piece. This piece involved creating my own sequins, flowers, labels and intricate embellishments all made from waste. By utilising materials and saving them from their point of disposal I was able to produce a highlight piece that defined turning trash into treasure. My process for this piece was very unique and is often not how I normally work but was something I wanted to explore. This process involved having two ideas and the rest happened naturally. Seen in Play Type 8 I knew it was important to express the words "Choose to Reuse" within the piece as a highlight using rainbow text to present positive connotations around the issue. I also wanted to utilise the recycling symbol to express the notion of reusing materials. 

Following this starting from the recycling symbol I wanted to create an organic circle of embellishments that moved freely around the text in a circular motion to further explore the symbolic notion around designing a product around cyclability. 

I had no detailed spec sheets or plans as I wanted the waste itself to tell a story, where no matter what colour, motif or small sequin there are ways we can turn waste into something beautiful, intricate and unique. 

Please see below my final finished artefact that took seven full days to produce and is only made from waste material and handicraft techniques.


Overall I started and finished this final artefact in a very different way I normally work. I let the materials work for themselves and had no start or end product. I really enjoyed practicing this way as I was able to control organically what I put down on each segment of the artefact. I feel extremely pleased with the way this final piece turned out as I believe it expresses design for cyclability in a unique way. I was truly amazed by the way I was able to create beautiful embellishments with material I normally throw way. 

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